Be One of a Kind

Be One Of A Kind

Personal effectiveness tips for sellers and sales managers. 

“Kindness can become its own motive. We are made kind by being kind.” —Eric Hoffer.

 I know some of you will roll your eyes to another day but it’s a series of events that motivated me to post this today. Am sure you have noticed this too… as we become more connected and find multiple platforms of expression fuelled by technology we seem to need more reminders of our basic values.

To me kindness is the most basic value. If you can be only one thing, be kind!

I posted about this yesterday and it started an interesting interaction by many in my network agreeing to the fact we need to be more conscious about being kind. It also triggered a question – How to be kind?

Here are few things I came up with –

  1. Kindness begins with yourself. If you feel insecure, victimized, unloved it’s going to be difficult to be kind to others. So let’s start with being to ourselves. We may aspire to be many things but self kindness starts with accepting ourselves and acknowledging our strengths and improvement areas. Life is a journey of continuous improvement.
  2. Consider your language choices. Remember we perceive intent and values through communication. Be considerate, unbiased, authentic and most of all Kind in the language you choose. Re-frame negative comments to improve, criticism to constructive feedback.
  3. Listen more. I know it’s easier said than done (I still have. a long way to go on this one!). Specifically today while there are so many avenues to express everyone is saying something or is in a hurry to say something. We certainly need to start listening. Think about your best friend or favorite relative and you will realize they are your “best” or “favorite” cause they are there listening to you when you need them.
  4. Practice abundance mindset. Am sure one thing this pandemic has made us realize that there is no point in competing with each other. Scarcity breeds scarcity. Believing there is enough out there for everyone and as we collaborate we are just growing the pie instead of reducing it can make a big difference in our approach.
  5. Always be giving. It doesn’t matter how much you have, you can always give. Give your time, volunteer your expertise, lend your ear, share your joy. The more you give the more you get.

This is not a perfect list but can be a good place to get started. “Always be a little kinder than necessary.” —James M. Barrie.