
Chewing Rocks #makingsalessimple #salestips

Transforming Sales: The Evolution from Consultation to Partnership Just as elephants chew rocks to shed old teeth for new ones, sales professionals must adapt to new methods to thrive. The post-COVID landscape has shifted from consultative selling to partnership selling.

It’s about collaborating with customers, understanding their needs, and working together towards success. Embrace the challenge—this is our path to survival and growth.

One Decision #makingsalessimple #salestips

Your next deal, your career’s flexion point, your life and its journey all can change in one decision. The big question is to identify the point of “Big Decision”.

In slightness lies the magic. #makingsalessimple

In a fiercely competitive, digitally crowded world we all struggle to differentiate, yet in the slight differences lies the magic. It’s not the big differences that stand out but the slight depart from the normal that makes the impact. It’s the magic of familiar yet different that enables decision making say neuroscientists.

ABC may be from the past, todays ask from sellers is to ABP! #makingsalessimple

Client Acquisition is the toughest battle most businesses are facing today. So, it should Always Be Prospecting for everyone in revenue generating roles today.

Do the Verb, Dont get caught in the Noun #makingsalessimple

If you want to be a Writer, then focus your energy on writing. While social media glorifies what you Be, the results come from what you Do!

Response rates from cold outreach are slipping to the lowest they have ever been. #makingsalessimple

Inspite of all the information we have available for us to research sellers are struggling to get a response from outreach efforts. How do you then Earn the Right to engage with a prospect?

What is your Sales Strategy - Swim or Float? #makingsalessimple

As Humans, we love taking the path of least resistance. We are Lazy and this is reflected in all our innovations too. However in this era of AI easy will not get us the customer cause selling specifically in B2B is getting more complex than it ever was

Do you know the 5 R's ? #makingsalessimple

Sales is a game of probability but it’s also the science of strategy. Here are quick tips to make the “Right” moves to win more.

Can you reduce friction in the Buying process? #makingsalessimple

By supporting and facilitating the buying journey for your customers, you not only close deals faster but also build lasting relationships.
Let’s make your sales cycle as efficient as your buyers’ decisions.

Are you being a pest or just being persistent? #makingsalessimple

As sellers, we always struggle with follow-ups specifically when we get no response on our emails/calls. If you are thinking when do we give up – we say NEVER!

You can’t get all three, which two would you choose ? Good, Fast, or Cheap. #makingsalessimple

A discussion point to have with your customers, which of the two are important to them? 
Let’s strategize together to align our goals and achieve the best possible outcome.

Did you know of the "Winning by attrition" as a sales strategy? #makingsalessimple #saleshacks

Sometimes the smart move is not to move the fastest but to be persistent. Endurance through long sales cycles gets noticed by the customer as other competitors fall off the path losing their patience.

Manipulative or Tactful, do you walk effectively on this fine line?

Aim for a win-win approach that benefits both seller and buyer, ensuring sustainable success.

What’s the most contagious thing in sales? #makingsalessimple

What’s the most contagious thing in sales?

Bring your best self to your work each time every time.

10+4 or 4+10 ? . #makingsalessimple

10+4 or 4+10 ? Are equal, but in sales, the journey to reach 14 can differ greatly. #makingsalesimle

While in Mathematics the outcome is the same and so is it in sales, the above two situations may demand a very different process.

Do you know what you don't know?An amateur cannot pick up what an expert can pick up at a glance. #makingsalessimple

Go ahead and listen to this week’s
#makingsalessimple tip to understand what not to use AI for.

Repetition doesn't guarantee perfection. It's about learning and refining with each repetition. #makingsalessimple

Sometimes the smart move is not to move the fastest but to be persistent. Endurance through long sales cycles gets noticed by the customer as other competitors fall off the path losing their patience.

Leave a mark in every proposal you submit to ensure you can recognize your solution. #makingsalessimple

“Paper Town” is a fictitious location that a mapmaker puts on a map to avoid copyright infringement. Learn how to use it in Sales!

Do you know the Icecream principle?. #makingsalessimple

Discover the Ice Cream Principle in sales!
When multiple decision-makers are involved, aim for the ‘vanilla or chocolate’ solution – widely agreeable and effective.
Don’t overcomplicate, aim for consensus.

Transform your sales approach from selling to the customers to selling with them. #makingsalessimple

We prioritize participation, integration, and co-creation, aligning our solutions with our clients’ needs.
Let’s embrace flexibility in our sales strategy and see the difference it makes!

Empower your customers' buying journey with knowledge and value. #makingsalessimple

Ask yourself, what unique insights do you bring to the table?
Dive deeper, prepare meticulously, and become an indispensable part of their decision-making process.

Who do you sound like? 👂 #makingsalessimple

The number of decision-makers we need to engage in #enterpriseselling is increasing. How do you build relationships with them?
As sellers, we always struggle with follow-ups specifically when we get no response on our emails/calls. If you are thinking when do we give up – we say NEVER!

Can you reduce friction in the Buying process? #makingsalessimple

Listen to Priya Sachdev sharing how this is the formula for Sales Success

Elevating sales with the essence of integrity. #makingsalessimple

The 4-way test guides our path: Truth, fairness, goodwill, and mutual benefit. Where professionalism meets purpose.

Sales simplified #makingsalessimple

 ChatGPT turns industry mysteries into client-winning insights in 60 seconds!

Explore our latest series featuring Sales Expert Priya Sachdev, where we uncover essential insights for sales professionals.

Discover actionable tips to boost sales and elevate customer interactions.
Don’t miss out on the expertise of Priya Sachdev in this insightful journey.

Explore our latest series #makingsellssimple, where we uncover essential insights for sales growth.

Making Sales Simple – Don’t miss our all-new series with Sales Expert Priya Sachdev.

We shall unfold some key takeaways for sales professionals that will not only guide them to drive more sales but also enhance customer interaction.