Lonely at the Bottom

Lonely at the Bottom

Lonely At The Bottom

Personal effectiveness leads to sales effectiveness. Are you intentional with your activities? To be effective in sales lead with intention. 

“Think about your intentionality – are you getting lost in the method? or coming from the intentionality, the purpose? You don’t want to do the mechanics without consciousness.” I want to echo Marshall B. Rosenberg’s message for all those out there reading this. 

As mentioned my word of focus is “Intentional” and I want to share this post specifically with all the Millenials and the Gen Z today.

Ronald Coase said “Torture the data, and it will confess to anything.” This is what is increasingly visible today living on Social platforms. It is important to be social and whatever role you may do today having a digital persona is a requirement. However, my concern is that life and its decisions get measured by how many views, likes and shares a post / video / story/ snap/ tweet can get.

We used to say it’s lonely on the top because as a leader or an entrepreneur you needed to make decisions that would have an impact on the rest of your organization. However, over the years we changed this specifically as we moved away from autocratic decision making. We aided the leaders with an ecosystem to support them, we brought in consultants and executive coaches for guidance.

Now, I see it’s getting lonely at the bottom. There is a lot of digital noise and there aren’t any role models who have lived in this time before. The best we are doing is picking things we did in the offline world and attempting to digitize them. Sadly this wont work !

I find it’s getting lonely at the bottom! There are more options and alternatives and little guidance.

Here are 3 things I feel that can help to elevate from this loneliness –

  1. Take your time to identify the intentional definition of your purpose. Don’t let data of likes and shares distract you. Be articulate of your purpose. Vision Boards are a good exercise for achieving this.
  2. Be ruthlessly honest to define your strengths. Know what you are good at. Ask for feedback, use the psychometric tests. Define what is Your strength. There is no point in making a fish climb a tree!
  3. Be clear about your strategy. How will you reach your purpose? Even if it’s sharing on social media, be clear. Are you sharing for expression (like me), or building your expertise, or instigating engagement?

Life is tough ! However, that is fun, right! else we would just exist like the animals. Born to Die. You are one decision away from the life you want. Choose Well !